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Chapter 10 Boss Guide

Resident Evil 4 Remake: Defeating the Formidable Verdugo

Chapter 10 Boss Guide


In Resident Evil 4 Remake's Chapter 10, players face the formidable Verdugo boss hidden within the eerie sewers. With a staggering health pool of 20,000HP, this creature poses a significant challenge that requires careful strategy and precise execution.

Phase 1: Subterranean Assault

As you approach the circuit breaker lever, Verdugo will emerge from the shadows, initiating the first phase of the battle. During this phase, Verdugo remains below the stage, launching a barrage of agile attacks. Stay aware of its movements and dodge its relentless claws and lunges.

Phase 2: The Beast Ascends

After dealing significant damage, Verdugo will leap onto the stage, marking the beginning of Phase 2. Its attacks become more swift and vicious, including a powerful leaping strike that can inflict heavy damage if not evaded correctly. Use your surroundings to your advantage, utilizing barrels and other objects as makeshift cover.

Phase 3: Final Stand

As Verdugo's health dwindles, it enters its final phase, becoming even more aggressive and relentless. Its attacks gain an explosive force, and it will unleash a devastating charge attack that must be dodged with precision. Use your strongest weapons and any available items to deal the finishing blow and secure your hard-fought victory.

Tips for Success

  • Keep your distance and utilize ranged weapons to weaken Verdugo from a safe distance.
  • Dodge and weave through its attacks, relying on high mobility and quick reflexes.
  • Use stun grenades or flashbangs to temporarily incapacitate Verdugo, creating an opening for attack.
  • Take advantage of the environment, using obstacles as cover and exploiting weak points.
  • Upgrade your weapons and purchase powerful ammo to maximize your damage output.


Defeating Verdugo in Resident Evil 4 Remake's Chapter 10 is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By adhering to the strategies outlined above, players can overcome this formidable boss and continue their harrowing journey through the zombie-infested sewers.
